Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In response to Tylers Post about Starbucks

Do you think Starbucks is a sell out? Also do you think Starbucks would have to develop a custom marketing plan for Italy?

I guess Starbucks could be considered a sell out but then every other global franchise would have to be considered a sell out too. It is very important for global companies to market products differently in relation to each unique culture. Every culture has different habits, rituals, and beliefs so a coffee place in the US would not be able to make achieve maximum profit without fine tuning their marketing stagey for each region. I also don't think a franchise coffee store would do well in Europe, apart from London and Pairs, because their are so many small local coffee shops at every corner in cities like Rome or Venice. It is just their culture difference that cause people in Italy to go to their local coffee shop, drink some coffee, have some pastries and finish with a cigarette (cigarettes are HUGE in Europe). 

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